Whenever children feel insecure or unhappy about themselves, adults often give them the cliché and unhelpful answer, "Be yourself. Do you. If others don't like the way you are, then that's their issue." I somewhat agree. We can't live to please other people. Nor can we expect everyone else to like us unconditionally. However, the statement "Be yourself" gives off an implication that individuals should not bother changing anything about themselves. It almost denounces change as an unnecessary happening in life. For some individuals, "Be yourself" serves as a temporary confidence-booster - and this confidence will only be shattered later.
Sometimes, when other people don't like me, it often indicates that there is an aspect of my personality, demeanor, and vibe that strikes them negatively. Might I be mistaking my arrogance for unwavering confidence? Am I naturally a pessimistic and toxic person to be around? These are all personality defects that I believe can be molded in any individual. The phrase "Be yourself"requires great refinement. Yes, be yourself in striving to create yourself as a person who is prideful and worthwhile. But if you don't like yourself, change is a good thing - and you can change yourself to be someone that you love.